Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Magazine advertisement

This is our magazine advert for the track Lazy Song by Bruno mars, it is supposed to promote our version of the music video.

Monday, 11 July 2011

DVD cover design

This is a DVD cover for our music video that we made for Bruno Mars- Lazy Song.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Design for Cover

we will use a picture of Lauren, on a rope bridge relating to Bruno Mars' actual album so it has a link. We will use bold but curved text connoting laziness. we will only colour the shirt in the photo to go with our music video, so again it links. We will use purple writing to link with the top colour in the picture.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Lip Sync Ideas

Our video is going to be a performance piece instead of narrative. The genre conventions that we will be using are pop and R&B. We will be using a mixture of mid and long shots showing the 'artist' being lazy. We are going to use two or three locations as this is typical of a pop video and for costume the artist is going to wear casual clothing and use chairs, ipod and head phones for props. These are all part of the mise-en-scene. We are going to use montage editing in the opening of our video to show the artist sitting on a chair in many different ways. We will also use cuts and various other editing transitions. We will be using the lyrics in the song to relate to in the video- for example- sitting around being lazy.- 'today I don't feel like doing anything' and also since the music is quite slow and laid back, our video will relate to that. We will use product placement- intertextuality, which is another of the Goodwin's six points, by the singer wearing converse trainers. We aren't really using voyeurism, as it doesn't go with the song. We will sell the artist by close ups of their face, showing their style by their costume etc.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Bruno Mars 'Lazy Song' initial ideas

instead of a man doing the singing, will be a girl.
loads of people sitting on chairs, split screen, all in sync movement, switch in time with the beat to everyone laying on the floor doing random things- but theoretically- 'not doing anything'.

keep going back to main singer, and have someone pop up at the correct times.

analysis of music vid

good use of editing effects
good lip synching
good, understandable narrative
video matched with mood of song and lyrics
interesting to watch
different settings/scenes

blurry and unsteady camera shots
not many editing techniques used